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See also :
* [[Burns]]
* [[Pain]]
== Symptoms ==
== Symptoms ==

Revision as of 01:05, 25 October 2014

See also :


Natural Remedies

  • Stop the bleeding The sooner you can cover the wound and stem the blood flow, the easier the injury will be to deal with. To stop bleeding apply pressure that is firm and even – too much will cut off the circulation. Don’t keep checking to see if the blood has stopped; you might disturb the clotting/healing process. If there’s a lot of blood seeping through the padding you’re using, don’t remove the padding; cover it with another cloth or pad and continue to apply pressure.
  • Clean it carefully Rinse under running water or wipe with cotton wool, from the centre of the injury outwards, to remove any grime. From time to time during the healing process make sure the wound is cleaned with a gentle saline solution. You can make one at home by putting two teaspoons of salt into a litre of boiling water and allowing this to cool. Or try using a rinse made of neat calendula mother tincture (or, if you prefer, one part tincture to 10 parts water).
  • Use a natural antiseptic A good first choice is Echinacea angustifolia which fights infection and also promotes healing. Others include calendula, tea tree and lavender.
  • Supplement A poor diet in general can slow wound healing and essential fatty acid deficiencies are also associated with poor wound healing. Vitamin A helps to form scar tissue, B1 (thiamine) deficiency can interfere with collagen synthesis and B5 (pantothenic acid) accelerates the healing process. Vitamin C promotes the formation of collagen and elastin and deficiency can slow the healing process, vitamin E aids in the healing of skin grafts; zinc stimulates wound healing. Supplementary zinc also plays an important, but often overlooked, part in wound healing.
  • Boost your protein intake Skin is made of protein and extra is required when you are injured. This is especially true for those undergoing an operation since surgery increases calorie and protein needs by 20% to 50%. Your body needs this to manufacture immune cells and antibodies, to reduce inflammation and to mend the wound at the site of incision. Without enough protein recovery may be delayed and the risk of infection is higher.
  • Herbs A wide range of herbal creams are available including calendula, echinacea, tea tree oil, and hypercal cream or tincture (containing hypericum and calendula). Hypericum (St John’s wort) tincture on its own is useful for relieving pain in injured areas rich in nerves. A traditional remedy to both heal and fight infection combines hypericum, sage and oregano oils in a base of olive oil. Aloe vera can also help heal minor wounds; but it should not be used on deep or surgical wounds as it has been shown to delay healing. Comfrey comes with a similar caution. It is great for use on shallow cuts and grazes, but is best avoided on very deep wounds since it may cause the skin surface to heal before the deeper layers of tissue have fully healed.
  • Homoeopathy Arnica will treat stress from the injury. Silicea is useful in helping to remove foreign bodies such as splin­ters or thorns. If these are deeply embedded, it may be better to use this remedy instead of probing an already sensitive wound. Hepar sulph and Belladonna may also be useful in helping clear up infections.
  • Heal it with Honey Honey contains enzymes and anti-viral substances that may have active benefits for wounds. In studies honey impregnated gauze was found to promote faster healing, and result in less infection. It has also been found to actively promote the growth of new epithelial cells. Manuka honey is particularly effective.
  • If you have stitches You can usually wash an area that has been stitched after one to three days. Washing off the dirt and the crust that form around the stitches helps reduce scarring. Be sure to dry the site well after washing. If the wound drains clear yellow fluid, you may need to cover it. Ointments, rather than creams or lotions, will keep a heavy scab from forming and may help reduce the size of a scar.
  • Healing scars Moist dressings should result in fewer and less noticeable scars. However if you do have scars silicone sheeting may be one way to help. Studies show that silicone sheets can improve the appearance of hypertrophic and keloid scars resulting from surgical procedures or trauma. They are most effective on fresh scars but should not be used until the cut has closed. Although it’s largely been overtaken by silicone, glycerine-based gel sheeting can be just as effective and less expensive. Simply keeping scars moist for a longer period may be of the most benefit. Topical vitamin E oil may also be helpful.
  • Know when to call a professional Cuts that require medical attention include those that are deep (how deep is usually more important than how long). They also expose any red muscle tissue or yellowish fat tissue; stay open if you let go of the sides of the cut; or are sited on a joint or in an area where healing might be difficult (stitching might be needed to keep it closed). If medical attention is required discuss the pros and cons of different types of dressings with your doctor. For instance, alginates are best used on wounds leaking lots of fluid, while hydrogels and hydrocolloids boost moisture in dry wounds. Selecting the right dressing can substantially boost healing.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 25 October 2014, at 01:05