

20 bytes added, 07:32, 2 November 2014
/* Special Precautions of Podophyllum */
See also : [[Mayapple]]
==Special Precautions of Podophyllum==
See : [[Mayapple]]
==Health Benefits and uses of Podophyllum are==
* has an influence on the duodenum, liver, small intestines and the rectum. In effect, Podophyllum people often suffer from gastro-enteritis accompanied by bilious vomiting and colicky pain. They pass copious stool, which is watery containing mucus resembling jelly and experience intense pain while passing stool. The passage of stool, which has an offensive odour, is in a gushing manner. Especially women suffering from this disease experience plenty of problems when they are pregnant. They have a pendulous abdomen when they are confined due to pregnancy. In such conditions, some pregnant women may also endure falling of the womb or prolapsus uteri which is indicated by pain in the back and loins, temperature in the vagina, constipation as well as diarrhea. In addition, there may also be painless cholera morbus (a gastrointestinal problem marked by pain in the abdominal region, diarrhea and occasional vomiting). Other symptoms may include inaction or sluggishness (torpidity) of the liver, portal inflammation with an inclination to hypogastric pain, hemorrhoids, jaundice and swelling of the superficial veins (veins that are close to the body).
Bureaucrat, administrator