
Aloe Vera

821 bytes added, 05:30, 10 November 2014
/* The benefits of Aloe Vera are */
* Although not conclusive, studies have been done which indicate aloe vera may have some value in the treatment or prevention of some cancers and arthritis. Other trials have been conducted and preliminary evidence shows aloe vera may be useful in treating diabetes, immune system problems and [[psoriasis]].
*[[Hemorrhoids]] : The very same anti-inflammatory constituents that reduce blistering and inflammation in burns also help reduce the irritation of hemorrhoids. Break off a piece of the aloe vera leaf and apply only the clear gel to the hemorrhoids.
* [[cancer]] : Aloe vera has been demonstrated to enhance the immune system's response to cancer, promote the growth of new and healthy cells, and reduce the overall viral load within the body thereby revitalizing the body in its fight against the cancer. Patients taking the aloe vera had a better quality of life and that they had fewer chemotherapy side effects such as numb fingers and fatigue. The antioxidant and restorative effects of aloe administer many benefits, such as inhibiting the growth of tumor cells, detoxifying and oxygenating your blood, and much more! Research into the anti-cancer effects of acemannan, a phytonutrient found in aloe vera, found promising results. In one study, dogs and cats undergoing radiation for cancer were given acemannan. Not only did the tumors shrink more in the acemannan-treated group, but post-treatment survival was significantly extended. Another study demonstrated that acemannan increased cells' production of nitric oxide (NO), an anti-cancer chemical strongly associated with the shrinking of cancer tumors. Although this particular research was focused on chickens, the same effect has also been observed in humans. In other studies, aloe vera showed a marked result in producing remission in skin cancers. Its highly effective antioxidant effect has also been found to help prevent skin damage from x-rays and other forms of radiation.
* [[HIV/AIDS]] : Research also showed aloe vera to possess antiviral polysaccharides, which enhance cell function. These preliminary findings led to more reports linking aloe vera to the treatment of AIDS : Aloe is to an AIDS patient such as insulin is to a diabetic.
* Normalize Cholesterol Levels 
and Maintain Heart Health
Bureaucrat, administrator