
Yu Ping Feng Wan

2,101 bytes added, 06:10, 16 November 2014
moved [[Yu Ping Feng San]] to [[Yu Ping Feng Wan]]
Other names : JadeDefender™, Yu Ping Feng San, Yu Ping Feng Pian, Yu Ping Feng San, Jade Screen Teapills, 玉屏风片, Jade Windscreen Powder, The Jade Screen Powder, 玉屏風散
==Ingredients ==
* (Mi Zhi) [[Huang Qi]] : (Honey-prepared) Rx. Astragali : 10-30g
* [[Bai Zhu]] (Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae) : 9-60g
* [[Fang Feng]] (Rx. Saposhnikoviae) : 9-60g
==Special Precautions of Yu Ping Feng Wan==
* Consult your herbalist or physician before use for kids or if you have hypertension .
* Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you are pregnant.
* Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you are under other medical treatment.
* Avoid oily food for best results.
* Keep out of reach of children.
* Contraindicated for those with Excess patterns.
* Contraindicated for those with night sweats due to Yin Deficiency.
==Benefits and uses of Yu Ping Feng Wan are==
* Yu Ping Feng Wan acts to enhance the resistance. Literally the name means Jade Screen, as if it forms a solid screen to protect the body. In many controlled clinical trials, Yu Ping Feng Wan is shown to significantly reduce the frequency of the common cold and bacteria infection in the respiratory tract in people who have chronic bronchitis or children who are susceptible to the cold or flu.
* Yu Ping Feng Wan is indicated in China Pharmacopoeia to invigorate the vital energy to strengthen the body surface resistance and to stop perspiration. It is used for deficiency of the superficies to protect the body against diseased, spontaneous perspiration and aversion to wind, pale complexion or general dibility and susceptibility to wind- pathogen.
*Yu Ping Feng Wan was the basic herbal formula recommended by Chinese health authorities to the public for prevention of SARS several years ago when SARS occured in China. In the verge of a superflu pandemic, we would recommend its use for strengthening our defense to any possible flu outbreak.
==Recommended Products==
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