
Cong Bai

492 bytes added, 07:43, 16 November 2014
/* Special Precautions of Cong Bai */
Other Names : Bulbus Allii, Scallion, Spring Onion, Chinese Green Onion, Chive, Alium<br> See also : [[Onion]]
==Special Precautions of Cong Bai==
* Contraindicated for those with exterior Deficiency with profuse sweat (Tai Yang Zhong Feng).
* Use with caution for those with Yin Deficiency and Yang Excess.
* Large doses can produce gastric irritation, hemorrhoids, headache and fever.
* Over use can injure the beard and head hair and cause confusion due to Yin Deficiency with deficient Heat rising upward.
* Incompatible with Honey Feng Mi internally.
* Incompatible with dates internally.
* Incompatible with Rx. Dichroa Chang Shan.
==Health Benefits and uses of Cong Bai are==
Herbs That Release the Exterior: Warm, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior (Wind-Cold Diaphoretics)
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