
Goji Berry

292 bytes added, 15:42, 30 November 2014
/* Special Precautions of Goji Berry */
*should not be consumed if you have diarrhea - they'll make your diarrhea worse. Conversely, goji berries are a good constipation remedy.
* Goji berries may interact with anticoagulant drugs (commonly called "blood-thinners"), such as warfarin (CoumadinĀ®). There was one case report published in the journal Annals of Pharmacotherapy of a 61-year old woman who had an increased risk of bleeding, indicated by an elevated international normalized ratio (INR). She had been drinking 3-4 cups daily of goji berry tea. Her blood work returned to normal after discontinuing the goji berry tea.
* If you have pollen allergies you may want to stay away from this fruit.
* Case reports have linked goji berries consumption with skin photosensitivity, causing a skin rash on exposure to sunlight.
* They are also naturally rich in oxalate which may be a health issue in kidney problems.
==The benefits of Goji Berry are==
Goji berry benefits are numerous. Goji berries (gou qi zi in Chinese) have been a popular longevity tonic in China for centuries. They are mainly grown in north west China. Goji berries (also called wolfberries) are red and sweet tasting when ready for harvest and when dried look similar in shape and size to dried raisins. Goji berries have a higher antioxidant score than broccoli, grapes and strawberries.They're loaded with antioxidants and carotenoids, and they've literally been used for over 5,000 years to promote stamina and longevity as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Bureaucrat, administrator