

41 bytes removed, 12:28, 28 February 2015
Given that the use and spread of cloudberries is relatively small, a large amount of research has not been conducted on it, nor has there been a significant amount of allergen reporting. It is not commonly known as an allergen, but there is also a unique combination of nutrients and acids in cloudberry. In other words, enjoy cloudberries in moderation and monitor your body to see how it responds.
==Health Benefits and uses of Cloudberry are==
== References ==
* Immune System: The high content of vitamin C and vitamin A make cloudberries very beneficial to the immune system, as vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and acts as an antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals throughout the body. Vitamin A, similarly, has carotenoids that act as antioxidants, protecting the skin and eyes from breaking down and aging.
*Circulation: Cloudberries are packed with iron, as well as many other beneficial minerals, but the iron content is specifically important for circulation, as it is a key component in red blood cell production. With enough iron in your diet, you reduce your chances of developing anemia.
Bureaucrat, administrator