

1,030 bytes added, 12:29, 28 February 2015
Cloudberries are delicious fruits that come from a rhizomatous herb scientifically known as Rubus chamaemorus. Many people are unfamiliar with cloudberries because they primarily grow in arctic or alpine environments, as well as in boreal forests in the northern hemisphere. There is not a major cultivation of these berries either, so they are not widely exported to the rest of the world. They are commonly grown in Russia, Northern Europe, Scandinavia, some parts of the British Isles, Newfoundland, Canada, and Alaska.
They are highly prized as culinary components, due to their juicy and tar quality, but also for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds (particularly ellagic acid) that can significantly benefit human health. These berries are often used in candies, jams, alcoholic drinks, and various other baked goods. They can also be eaten raw, but the flavor is quite tart, so most prepare some sort of sweetened recipe. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits of cloudberry.
==Special Precautions of Cloudberry==
Given that the use and spread of cloudberries is relatively small, a large amount of research has not been conducted on it, nor has there been a significant amount of allergen reporting. It is not commonly known as an allergen, but there is also a unique combination of nutrients and acids in cloudberry. In other words, enjoy cloudberries in moderation and monitor your body to see how it responds.
Bureaucrat, administrator