

1,055 bytes added, 13:50, 12 July 2015
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is known under a great many names: milo, guinea corn in West Africa, kafir corn in South Africa, dura in Sudan, mtama in eastern Africa, jowar in India and kaoliang in China. Sorghum is an ancient cereal grain and was collected 8000 years ago in Southern Egypt, in a place called Nabta Playa. Sorghum was domesticated in Ethiopia and Sudan and from there moved throughout all of Africa, where it remains an important cereal grain. (That's a picture of sorghum being grown in an Ethiopian field.) Sorghum likely traveled to India during the first millennium BC, taken as food on ships, and then continued to be disbursed along the silk trade routes. It most probably arrived in the Americas with slave traders from Africa in the 19th century. Today different varieties of sorghum are grown in Asia, including India and Micronesia, and in both North America and Latin America. Sorghum kernels vary in color from white and pale yellow to deep reds, purples and browns; white, bronze, and brown kernels are most common.
==Special Precautions of Sorghum==
==Health Benefits and uses of Sorghum are==
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