

0 bytes added, 06:39, 17 August 2015
/* Special Precautions of Flaxseed */
**Rapid, shallow breathing
**Flaxseeds, which are rich in lignan precursors as well as fiber, may increase stool frequency or cause diarrhea in doses of 45-50 g/day in adults.
* flax Flax seeds contain almost four times the amount of phytoestrogens as soy beans. The consumption of phytoestrogens can affect our hormonal system and should be considered before including any significant amount of this seed in your diet. And if you’re afraid of sprouting “man boobs,” perhaps you should be more worried about that flax bread on your counter than the occasional piece of tofu. Certain cancers, such as breast, ovarian and uterine cancer, have been shown to be promoted by higher levels of estrogen in the body. Studies on the effect of phytoestrogens on hormonal affected cancers have been inconclusive as to whether they help or hinder these cancers.
* Phytic Acid : Flax seeds are also high in another controversial plant compound. Phytic acid is a natural part of all seeds and one of its purposes is to prevent a seed from germinating prematurely. When a seed is soaked, sprouted or fermented, phytic acid will naturally start breaking down as the seed prepares to grow. If it is not removed properly before consuming a seed, phytic acid has been reported to impair the absorption of minerals and trace elements, such as calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium, giving it the label of being an “anti-nutrient.” Flax is known to be high in phytic acid. This makes proper preparation of the seed even more important if you are planning to consume it.
Bureaucrat, administrator