
Skin Cancer

678 bytes added, 06:59, 17 August 2015
/* Home remedies */
* [[bloodroot]] has certain anti-cancer agent properties that are useful in the treatment of skin cancer.
* [[Tea tree oil]] is touted as a possible preventative against certain types of skin cancers. The journal, Cancer Chemotherapy Pharmacology, reported tea tree oil's curative effects on patients diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancers or pre-cancerous lesions. Within 1 day of treatment tumor growth had slowed and tumor size had shrunk, and within 3 days tumors were almost invisible.
* [[Vitamin D]] : Research has found that having adequate levels of vitamin D in the body not only reduces the risk of melanoma - the most serious form of skin cancer - but of other forms of cancer as well. This does not mean it is ok to get out in the sun for hours and hours without protection or to use tanning beds daily. UV exposure has definitely been linked to several forms of skin cancer. However, complete avoidance of any kind of sunlight is not beneficial either. What is best appears to be moderate exposure on a daily basis to keep levels of vitamin D adequate and to take advantage of the protection this vitamin can give when it comes to preventing skin cancer.
*[[Omega-3 fatty acids]] supplementation improves innate immune response to help prevent skin cancer.
*[[Vitamin B3]] can reduce skin cancer risk by 23% according to an australian study.
Bureaucrat, administrator