
Bach Flower Remedies

1 byte added, 09:29, 1 November 2015
/* The Twelve Healers */
The Twelve Healers are the type essences. They describe your essential nature or “remedy type” - for example how we behave when ill, what we are like under pressure, what qualities we admire or dislike in others. Essence descriptions will show you the relationship between your true nature and the core characteristics of the individual essence. The ‘Key Words’ are general headings which the Bach flower remedies treat. The ‘Themes’ are areas of the personality the remedies help to develop. ‘Use for’ referrers to areas of imbalance the remedies correct.
* Agrimony-(agrimonia eupatoria). Key Word: Truth. Themes:Honesty, authentic humor, openness. Use For: masked emotions/inner pain, escapism via addiction
*Centaury-(centaurium erythaea). Key Word: Dignity; Themes:boundaries, self esteem, self reliance Use for: weak personality, being taken advantage, trouble saying “No”
*Cerato-(ceratostigma willmottiana). Key Word: Instinct/knowledge; Themes: trusting self, connection with higher self, discernment; Use for discretion, being easily influenced
*Rock Rose-(helianthemum nulmularium). Key Word: Assurance. Themes: calm strength, emotional steadiness; Use for: panic, stuck emotions of terror
*Scleranthus-(scleranthus annus). Key Word: Decisive. Themes: stability, balance, decisiveness, making a decision; Use for: indecisiveness, mood swings, trust in making decisions
*Vervain-(verbena officinalis). Key Word: Passion. Themes: enthusiasm, dynamic optimism;Use for: overly stressed, type A, high strung, righteous indignation
*Water Violet-(hottonia palustris). Key Word: Unity. Themes: gracefulness, quite, integration with group; Use for: feelings of loneliness, pride, isolation, superiority
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