
Immunological Disorders

8,479 bytes added, 17:26, 14 November 2015
/* Home remedies */
See also : *[[Infectious Diseases]]* [[Overactive Immune System]]
== Symptoms ==
== Home remedies ==
* [[Magnesium]] is a powerful and essential immune modulator. A deficiency in magnesium has been strongly linked to immune disorders and it has been variously estimated that anywhere from 70 to 95 percent of us are deficient in magnesium.* [[vitamin D]]3 is a powerful immune modulator which could be useful against autoimmune disorders. Furthermore, like magnesium, deficiency in D3 has been linked to autoimmune disorders. The best source of D3 is sunshine. When that is not feasible, supplemental D3 can help.* [[Astragalus]] : Although more evidence is needed, one of the ways astragalus is thought to work is by increasing the production of immune cells. It may also have mild antiviral activity and help with the prevention of colds. There's little evidence from human studies, however, on the effectiveness of astragalus as an antiviral.* [[Cruciferous vegetables Vegetables]] generate glucosinolates, which are converted into isothiocynates during digestion. They protect your body in a number of important ways, such as [[cancer]] and [[Macular Degeneration]] and helps build the immune system and supports bone health, Detoxifying enzymes and Curing coughs. Arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, watercress and cabbage, are classified as a cruciferous vegetables. Watercress, high in Calcium and iron, protects against cancer and macular degeneration, helps build the immune system and supports bone health.* Magnesium [[Yu Ping Feng San]] is a powerful and essential immune modulatoran ancient Chinese herbal medicine used for building up the resistance of the body against the invasion of pathogenic influences. A deficiency in magnesium has been strongly linked to Today it is the most recommended herbal remedy for boosting the immune disorders and it has been variously estimated that anywhere from 70 defense to 95 percent the infection of us are deficient in magnesiumbacteria and viruses.* Several studies in recent years have indicated that vitamin D3 [[Burdock Root]] is a powerful known for its immune modulator which could be useful against autoimmune disorders. Furthermore, like magnesium, deficiency in D3 has been linked to autoimmune disorders. The best source of D3 is sunshine. When that is not feasible, supplemental D3 can help-strengthening capabilities.* [[Curcumin ]] is the major component of the common kitchen spice "turmeric". It is a wonderful herb which has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and it has been shown to inhibit autoimmune disorders. Note: curcumin is ordinarily not very bio-available. Consuming piperine (black pepper) and/or coconut milk may improve absorption somewhat, but the best therapeutic value may be found in curcumin supplements designed for high bio-availability.* [[Prebiotics]] and [[Probiotics]] increase the number or activity of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria. The importance of the bifidobacteria and the lactic acid bacteria (LABs) is that these groups of bacteria may have several beneficial effects on the host, especially in terms of improving digestion (including enhancing mineral absorption) and the effectiveness and intrinsic strength of the immune system.* [[Cat's Claw]] can be taken in capsule, tea, or tincture forms. It is an adaptogenic immune regulator. So it provides both immune boosting and dampening as necessary. It contains oxindole alkaloids enhancing the immune system's capacity to engulf and destroy pathogens.
*Blackseed oil (Nigella sativa) is another powerful immunomodulator and it has been used for centuries for a wide variety of illnesses. The prophet Muhammad was reported to have said that blackseed is a "cure for everything but death".
* [[Oleander ]] is noted as a supreme immune stimulator and for its success against cancer, HIV and other conditions. However, it appears that oleander is also a powerful immune-modulator, with many reports of it helping people with immune disorders. Note: only properly prepared non-toxic supplemental oleander extract should be used since the raw plant is quite toxic.* Some of the most potent immunosupportive agents come from mushrooms, and science is just beginning to tap into this vast natural medicine warehouse.* [[Turkey Tail mushrooms Mushroom]]s are a Powerful Immune System Booster.* [[Yogurt ]] with active cultures enhances the body’s immune system by increasing the production of gamma interferons, which play a key role in fighting certain allergies and viral infections.* Bentonite clay is strengthening the immune system.* [[Ganoderma Lucidum]]- This is a bitter mushroom also known as [[Reishi]]. It has long been a popular herb in Chinese medicine attributed to assisting in longevity and health. Further studies on this oriental herb reveal that it strengthens immunity and combats cancer. Moreover, it has antioxidant properties and provides relief from urinary tract infections.* [[Cordyceps]] : Modern studies suggest Cordyceps may enhance the immune function of our body, may stimulate progesterone production, boost energy and endurance.* [[Lomatium]] is known for boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation.* Different studies have evaluated the benefits of [[beta glucan]] in promoting better health and preventing diseases.* [[Coenzyme Q10]] can potentially help in strengthening the immune system and is also effective as a secondary treatment against [[cancer]].* [[Essential Fatty Acids]]* [[Chia]] seeds : High in antioxidants chia seeds strengthen the immune system.* [[Garlic]] has been found to enhance the immune system’s ability to ward off infection.* [[Vitamin C]] with Bioflavonoids : Vitamin C boosts the body’s immune system by enhancing the immune cells’ ability to protect the body from infection. Bioflavonoid is another strong antioxidant. The body gets better protection against diseases with the intake of these two essential nutrients combined.* [[Grape seed extract]] : the immune-boosting supplement has 50 times stronger antioxidant properties than vitamin C and 20 times stronger than vitamin E.*[[Zinc]] is necessary for a healthy immune system.* botanicals like [[astragalus]] and [[echinacea]] may boost your immune defense against [[bronchitis]]-causing viruses.* [[Licorice]] : There are two compounds in licorice, glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid, which research has shown to elevate the levels of interferon in the body. This helps to keep the replication of viruses and other pathogens in check* Fish : Omega-3 is beneficial in controlling the inflammatory processes and strengthens the integrity of the cells and its functions. Additionally, fish, such as the shellfish contains huge amount of [[selenium]] that increases the production of cytokines by the white blood cells that can assist in fighting the virus in the body.* sweet potatoes can provide vitamin A, beta-carotene and in anthocyanin.* EGCG in tea can fight bacterial and viral infection to diseases that slowly wastes the body, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. By this action, tea can clearly boost the immune system.* Selenium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium are some of the nutrients found in oats and [[barley]]. While they are popular for lowering the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, they are also becoming popular in strengthening the immune system.* [[Astragalus]] root is known for its powerful immune system boosting capabilities.* [[Echinacea]] is a popular herb that has been identified to boost immunity. Combined with [[goldenseal]], another herb, or enjoyed alone as tea, this member of the daisy family has been found to prevent and treat upper respiratory tract infections as well as the common cold.* [[Goldenseal]] has been found in research to have antiviral and antibacterial properties, as well as the ability to both increase immune cell production and enhance immune cell activity. *[[Ginseng]] : This herb has many varieties. The most commonly studied variety is Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng. Its main active component, ginsenosides, has been proven to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Clinical research studies have demonstrated that it may improve immune and psychological functions as well as conditions related to diabetes.* [[Bell Peppers]]- This pepper variety does not contain capsaicin, unlike its other feisty cousins. On the contrary, it is sweet and crunchy and contains the carotenoid lycopene which lowers the risk of cancer; beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A; and Zeaxanthin, known to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.*[[Ginger]] - This herb has been shown to reduce inflammation, cardiovascular conditions, blood clots and cholesterol. In a study, researchers found that animal subjects given ginger extracts had a significant reduction in cholesterol and blood clotting qualities. Moreover, it has been observed to inhibit the behavior of genes connected with inflammation.*[[Turmeric]]- This spice contains curcumin, which has notable antioxidant properties. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stomach soothing benefits. It reduces inflammation by stimulating the adrenal glands to increase the hormone that lessens inflammation. Animal studies on this herb have revealed that turmeric protects the liver from the adverse effects of alcohol and certain toxins. Turmeric also helps in digestive problems by stimulating bile flow.*[[Ginkgo Biloba]]- Ginkgo biloba's leaves contain antioxidant compounds called bilobalides and ginkgolides that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Moreover, it has also been found to protect against radiation. In a study using animal subjects, ginkgo was demonstrated to have protected the test subjects against radiation poisoning. The latest research also suggests that extracts of this herb can neutralize oxidizing agents and free radicals caused in the cells due to radiation, thus preventing cell death. In fact, NaturalNews recently reported that ginkgo extracts reduce brain damage by up to 50 percent.* [[cloves]] are antifungal, antiviral, and antibiotic.* Oil of Wild Oregano works Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and Strengthens the immune system.* [[Elderberries]] may help boost immunity by increasing the body's production of cytokines (proteins involved in regulating the immune system's response to disease and infection)* [[Astaxanthin]] may boost the immune system.* [[Propolis]] enhances the immune system.* [[Maitake]] contain polysaccharide fibers called beta-glucans that stimulate the production of neutrophils, T-cells, and macrophages (white blood cells). These cells help our immune system to combat illnesses in a rapid and efficient manner, remove cellular debris, and hasten our recovery from tissue damage* [[Arabinogalactan]] is found in larch trees, is a type of fiber that has been shown in German research to boost the immune system.* [[Kefir]] : studies demonstrate its immune-boosting and anti-viral activity. One study found that kefir and its constituents have immune system-regulating activity and the ability to enhance the immune system’s capacity to fight off viruses.* [[GcMAF]] therapy regulates the human protein required to reactivate immune cells and boost patients’ immune systems. When re-introduced to the body GcMAF instantly attacks a disease and can restore your immune system within 3 months.
== Warnings ==
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