

410 bytes added, 08:50, 16 January 2016
/* Special Precautions of Gosha-Jinka-Gan */
Other Names : Goshajinkigan , GJG
==Special Precautions of Gosha-Jinka-Gan==
* Avoid use during pregnancy and lactation.
*GJG interacts with dioxins, melatonin, oxaliplatin, and paclitaxel.
* In one study, patients reported mild adverse symptoms, including diarrhea, nausea, and urinary frequency. No abnormalities were recorded from hematology, biochemistry, and urinalysis results in another study.
* A case report documented GJG causing interstitial pneumonia in an elderly patient.
==Health Benefits and uses of Gosha-Jinka-Gan are==
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