
Dental Plaque

179 bytes added, 06:47, 17 January 2016
/* Natural Remedies */
* [[Fiber]] : In particular, celery, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes and other crunchy fruits and vegetables help keep your mouth moist by producing excess saliva -- your body's natural weapon against bad breath. These foods also clean the mouth, scrape away plaque buildup and help naturally remove foods that are stuck between teeth and gums.
* [[Neem Tree]] : Applying neem leaf extract gel to the teeth and gums twice daily for 6 weeks might reduce plaque formation, according to developing research. It also might reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth that can cause plaque.
 *[[Tannins]] : Most noticeable among tannins’ many characteristics is their being astringent...ul This styptic power binds proteins located on the surface of the mouth, thereby making the harmful bacteria in the mouth ineffective while putting in check the buildup of plaque and preventing tooth decay.
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