
Dengue Fever

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Dengue fever (UK /ˈdɛŋɡeɪ/ or US /ˈdɛŋɡiː/), also known as breakbone fever, is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus.<br>See also : [[Infectious Diseases]]
== Symptoms ==
Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles. In a small proportion of cases the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs.
The most effective form of “treatment” is actually prevention, but fending off annoying mosquitoes can be very difficult. Some of the most effective preventative strategies are avoiding or eliminating standing, stagnant water, as that is where mosquitoes reproduce. Also, if you are in a heavily wooded or tropical area, apply mosquito repellent to any exposed skin and your clothes. If possible, keep exposed skin to a minimum and ensure that wherever you sleep is fully enclosed, including tears in any mosquito netting that you may put in place to protect yourself.
However, in case you are infected by the dengue virus, follow some of these home remedies below for a quick recovery and an alleviation of your symptoms.
* [[Tiger Milk Mushroom]] : Joint pain after recovered from Dengue fever disappeared after 1 week consumption. Joint pain in elderly relieved.
* [[Barley Grass]] has the unique ability to significantly increase the body’s blood platelet count by stimulating the production of more blood cells. You can drink barley tea or eat barley grass directly and see a rapid increase in platelet count, which is one of the more serious side effects of dengue fever that can prolong weakness and increase the susceptibility of the body to dengue hemorrhagic fever and more serious complications.
* [[Goldenseal]] : Although many herbal or natural remedies aren’t directly approved or proven through research, homeopathic physicians have praised goldenseal for its ability to clear up the symptoms of dengue fever very quickly and eliminate the virus from the body. Goldenseal not only helps to ease fevers, chills, headaches, nausea, and vomiting, but its natural antiviral capacity can essentially cure dengue fever in a matter of days.
* [[Orange]] Juice : The rich mixture of antioxidants and vitamins found in orange juice make it ideal for treating the secondary symptoms of dengue fever and eliminating the virus. Orange juice helps to promote antibodies of the immune system, increase urination and the release of toxins, and stimulates cellular repair due to vitamin C’s crucial role in the creation of collagen.
* [[Fenugreek]] leaves are known to reduce fever and act as a slight sedative to ease pain and promote more restful sleep for patients. This is a popular home remedy for dengue fever symptoms in numerous places around the world.
* [[Tiger Milk Mushroom]] : Joint pain after recovered from Dengue fever disappeared after 1 week consumption. Joint pain in elderly relieved.
* [[Basil]] : Chewing on basil leaves may not sound particularly appetizing, but this is known to be an important immune-boosting technique, and has long been recommended in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of dengue fever. Basil essential oil also has natural insecticidal properties that will make you less attractive mosquitoes, making basil a treatment and a preventative strategy!
* [[Justicia Adhatoda]] increase platelet content in blood Good medicine for dengue hemorrhagic fever in adjunct to modern treatment.
Bureaucrat, administrator