
Hydrogen peroxide therapy

372 bytes added, 07:11, 15 July 2011
/* Special Precautions of Hydrogen peroxide */
*No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
*In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
*Tumours completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission.
*A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase. Ted"
* 35% H2O2 is extremely corrosive and causes severe burns; in other words, it's a very hazardous chemical that even professional chemists (and I am one) must handle using appropriate safety equipment (rubber gloves, safety goggles, protective lab coat).
* The 35% solution MUST always be diluted when used internally. Three drops per six to eight ounces (227g) of water is starting point that is often suggested, although our approach is far more conservative.
*do not internally use 3% hydrogen peroxide from drug stores as it contains highly toxic chemical stabilizers: There is a simple way to see if Hydrogen Peroxide contains stabilizers: Pour 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. If the color has yellow (or other off colors), it has a stabilizer. It is best to set it out in the sun where it is easier to see. If the H202 remains colorless when mixed in a glass of water, it usually does not have a stabilizer.Almost all H2O2 sold in drug stores will have stabilizers, actually to discourage people to use them internally. So you can use this as a way to compare them. Basically, H2O2 poured into a clean glass and left out in a sun covered by a dish should not have air bubbles. If it does, there are metal contaminants. If you are asking for trouble, a drop of ammonia solution in H2O2 mixed in water will cause a rapid air bubble generation. It is more unstable if it has stabilizers. You can try the experiment and compare the results.The test for this is not perfect one, but the key is the color, even when you add just a small amount of water in direct sunlight. Also, a good quality H2O2 doesn't get small bubbles during storage.
*NEVER use hydrogen peroxide at full strength on or in your body. You must dilute the compound to solutions ranging from 0.5% - 3.0%. Follow the dilution instructions.
*If you spill 35% hydrogen peroxide on your skin, immediately rinse under water. Your skin will burn and turn white. Use caution and avoid spills.