
Pink pepper

0 bytes added, 16:36, 14 May 2016
/* Benefits and uses of Pink pepper are */
* In Peru The sap is used as a mild laxative and a diuretic, and the entire plant is used externally for fractures and as a topical antiseptic. The oleoresin is used externally as a wound healer, to stop bleeding, and for toothaches, and it is taken internally for rheumatism and as a purgative.
* In South Africa, a leaf tea is used to treat colds, and a leaf decoction is inhaled for colds, hypertension, depression and irregular heart beat.
* In the Brazilian Amazon, a bark tea is used as a laxative, and a bark-and-leaf tea is used as a stimulant and antidepressant. In Brazilian herbal medicine today, the dried bark and/or leaves are employed for heart problems (hypertension and irregular heart beat), infections of all sorts, menstrual disorders with excessive bleeding, tumors and general inflammation. A liquid extract or tincture prepared with the bark is used internally as a stimulant, tonic and astringent, and externally for rheumatism, gout, and syphilis.* In Argentina, a decoction is made with the dried leaves and is taken for menstrual disorders, and is also used for respiratory and urinary tract infections and disorders.
* It is used for many conditions in the tropics, including menstrual disorders, bronchitis, gingivitis, gonorrhea, gout, eye infections, rheumatism, sores, swellings, tuberculosis, ulcers, urethritis, urogenital disorders, venereal diseases, warts, and wounds.
* In Brazilian herbal medicine today, the dried bark and/or leaves are employed for heart problems (hypertension and irregular heart beat), infections of all sorts, menstrual disorders with excessive bleeding, tumors and general inflammation. A liquid extract or tincture prepared with the bark is used internally as a stimulant, tonic and astringent, and externally for rheumatism, gout, and syphilis.
* As a broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antiseptic against bacterial, viral and fungal infections
* For Candida and yeast infections
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