

35 bytes added, 16:03, 24 July 2016
/* Home remedies */
* Mixing apple cider vinegar (ACV) with malic acid -- apples and freshly-pressed apple juice are naturally rich in malic acid and other important softening substances, so this is another option -- and drinking it as part of a gallbladder flush is highly recommended for gallbladder health.
* Healthy fats : Though some experts encourage gallbladder patients to avoid fats altogether, especially when they have already had gallbladder surgery, certain fats are actually helpful in warding off potential and existing gallstones. Olive oil is often included in many gallbladder detoxification regimens, for instance, and healthy saturated fats from coconut oil and grass-fed animal products actually help synergize the assimilation of important nutrients from other foods that are responsible for maintaining a clean liver and gallbladder.
* Healing Saint : [[St. Benedict]]
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator