

8 bytes added, 07:03, 28 August 2016
Other Names : β-linalool, linalyl alcohol, linaloyl oxide, p-linalool, allo-ocimenol, and 2,6-dimethyl-2,7-octadien-6-ol.<br>
Linalool is a naturally occurring terpene alcohol chemical found in many flowers and spice plants with many commercial applications, the majority of which are based on its pleasant scent (floral, with a touch of spiciness). Over 200 species of plants produce linalool, mainly from the families Lamiaceae (mints, scented herbs, lavender, coriander), Lauraceae (laurels, [[cinnamon]], [[rosewood]]), and Rutaceae (citrus fruits), but also birch trees and other plants, from tropical to boreal climate zones. It has also been found in some fungi.
==Special Precautions of Linalool==
* can be a potent skin irritant, causing contact dermatitits in some sensitive individuals.
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