
Eupatorium fortunei

4 bytes added, 11:55, 11 September 2016
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Eupatorium fortunei */
* Contraindicated for those with Stomach Qi Deficiency.
==Health Benefits and Uses of Eupatorium fortunei==
The plant is used medicinally in both Japan and China. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is indicated for poor appetite, [[Bad Breath (Halitosis)]], nausea and vomiting due to 'dampness' obstructions or summer heat. Its modern usage includes stomach flus and acute gastritis, in conjunction with other herbs including [[Huo Xiang ]] (Agastache rugosa).
* Aromatically transforms Dampness, awakens the Spleen and regulates the Middle
**Dampness Obstructing the Middle Jiao Stifling sensation in the chest, lack of appetite, nausea and a white, moist tongue coat
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