
Hinoki Cypress

402 bytes added, 17:08, 29 September 2016
/* Benefits and uses of Hinoki Cypress */
* Opening the mind to potentiality and specifically opportunities. The more worry and stress we have in our life the more we limit our opportunities. To attract more opportunities we must be relaxed and allow the universe to bring them to us.
* Energises and uplifts the mind
* Because of decongestant effects it is also excellent for easing sinus congestion and respiratory troubles.
* Hinoki Wood oil is regarded gentle on skin and an excellent addition in bath and body skin care products. Some say an extra benefit of this oil for skin care is its very effective antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral actions for treating rashes, cuts, abrasions and minor skin irritations.
* Deters insects
* naturally kill bacteria, viruses and fungus.
Bureaucrat, administrator