

933 bytes added, 08:34, 15 October 2016
/* Health benefits and uses of Ambrette */
Non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing.
==Health benefits and uses of Ambrette==
* The strong smell of the seeds makes the plant an ideal inhalant to alleviate hoarseness and a dry throat.* The leaves and roots of the plant are helpful in treating gonorrhea and venereal diseases.* Generally used as a stimulant and to ease indigestion, cramp and nervous dyspepsia. * In Chinese medicine it is used to treat headache. * In folk medicine, ambrette has reportedly been used as an insecticide and for wound healing, ingestion, heart disease, intestinal disorders, itching, skin conditions, stomatitis, thirst, urinary discharge, and vomiting. Ambrette seeds, roots, and leaves have reportedly been used to cure gonorrhea.* Ambrette seeds are commonly used medicinally in India and throughout the Caribbean as a tea or tincture. Traditional medicine in India has multiple uses for ambrette, while in the Caribbean it is primarily used to treat problems related to the female reproductive system and for childbirth. Early evidence suggests that a substance in ambrette may help regulate sugar levels; however, additional study is needed in this area.
* Aromatherapy :
** to balance hormones in both men and women
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