
Guaiac Wood

0 bytes added, 11:35, 15 October 2016
/* Health Benefits and uses of Guaiac Wood are */
* Emotionally the oil is relaxing and calming, a wonderful de-stresser. The tree is called sacred by the natives of Paraguay, so the oil might also be a good addition to a sacred or meditative blend.
* Physically it is said to be anti-inflammatory.
* Some sources recommend Guaiacwood Essential Oil as a venous or lymphatic decongestant. (I would Y could blend it with Cistus for this use.) Come to think of it, aromatically it would compliment Cistus. The blend would be delightful.
* This same decongesting effect would make Guaiacwood useful for treating the pelvic congestion that can accompany or cause PMS.
* Other sources recommend using Guaiacwood in blends to treat gout, rheumatism or arthritis pains, as well as simple fluid retention.
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