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Other names: Hydrastis canadensis, Yellow root, Orange root, Puccoon, Ground raspberry, Wild curcuma <br>Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is one of the most popular herbs on the market today. It was traditionally used by Native Americans to treat skin disorders, digestive problems, liver conditions, diarrhea, and eye irritations. Goldenseal became part of early colonial medical care as the European settlers learned of it from the Iroquois and other tribes. Goldenseal gained widespread popularity in the early 1800s due to its promotion by a charismatic herbalist named Samuel Thompson. Thompson believed goldenseal to be a magical cure for many conditions. Demand for this herb dramatically increased, until Thompson's system of medicine fell out of popularity. Over the years, goldenseal has gone through periods of popularity. There is currently great demand for goldenseal which coupled with limited supply of wild-crafted sources, has driven the price of goldenseal up.<br>See also :
*[[Hydrastis]] (Homeopathy)
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