
Himalayan Red Honey

127 bytes added, 19:06, 23 November 2016
/* Benefits and uses of Himalayan Red Honey */
==Benefits and uses of Himalayan Red Honey==
The properties of mad honey, both pleasant and harmful, are due to the grayanotoxins in it, derived from the Rhododendron nectar. Grayanotoxins are a group of toxins produced by Rhododendrons and plants in the Erincaceae family. The Gurung people in Nepal are renowned for their use of this mad honey, both for its medicinal and hallucinogenic properties.
* In small doses, the honey can ensure a soothing sense of inebriation much like the experience produced from a substance such as absinthe.
* Some villagers ingest a teaspoon of the honey each morning, as they believe it strengthens the immune system and can lead to a longer and more fruitful life.
* Highly sought after by middle-aged men as a sexual performance enhancer.
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