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/* Special Precautions of Eucalyptus */
==Special Precautions of Eucalyptus==
*Eucalyptus oil can sometimes cause skin irritation and should therefore be used in moderation.* Due to its 1,8-cineole content, Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil may cause CNS and breathing problems in young children. Caution against using Eucalyptus Globulus Oil on or near the face of children under 10. Their dermal maximum recommendation is 20%.
* It should not be used on children below 5 years of age.
*Eucalyptus supplementation is not advisable for children, pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, older or chronically ill people. It should not be used by people suffering from low blood pressure, kidney problems, intestinal or biliary inflammation, stomach problems, or liver disorders.
*Eucalyptus oil can sometimes cause skin irritation and should therefore be used in moderation. Dermal maximum recommendation is 20%.
*Eucalyptus may affect blood sugar levels. Therefore insulin-dependent diabetics should be carefully monitored if using eucalyptus.
*Eucalyptus may sometimes affect the metabolism. And can interfere with drugs like phenobarbital, aminopyrine, and amphetamine. If you are taking any such medication, avoid the use of eucalyptus.
Bureaucrat, administrator