

352 bytes added, 14:58, 4 December 2016
/* Home remedies */
* [[Aromatherapy]] : Certain essential oils such as lavender and chamomile possess sedative properties known to promote sleep. Before bedtime, try taking a bath infused with a few drops of relaxing oils. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to your favorite massage oil and knead away your muscle tension, or shake two or three drops of lavender oil onto your pillowcase and breathe in the calming aroma as you fall asleep.
*Up Your Serotonin - This neurotransmitter is essential for a good night's sleep. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps create serotonin. Try eating foods rich in tryptophan like, bananas or sunflower seeds.
* [[Nutmeg]] is an incredibly effective remedy in the case of sleeping disorders. This spice has countless health benefits, as it detoxes the body, helps digestion, soothes pain, boosts the immune system, boosts skin health, and improves blood circulation. Moreover, it has mild sedative properties which are extremely helpful in the case of insomnia.
* [[Rhodiola Rosea]] gives you more available energy during the day, while simultaneously facilitating deep, REM-level sleep.
*Can be related to Magnesium deficiency.
Bureaucrat, administrator