

313 bytes added, 15:00, 4 December 2016
/* The benefits of Nutmeg are */
*Stomach problems.
*Intestinal gas.
* detoxes the body
* helps digestion,
* boosts the immune system
*Cancer : Essential oil of nutmeg may help prevent or treat cancer by acting as an antioxidant and inhibiting formation of blood vessels that feed tumors, according to a study published in the April 2012 issue of the "Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine." In the test tube and cell culture study, nutmeg inhibited oxidation of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid and significantly reduced new blood vessel growth. A study published in the April 2012 issue of the "Journal of Food Science" found that myristicin, a component of nutmeg essential oil, inhibited the growth of colon cancer cells.
*Kidney disease.
* Antianxiety and Antidepressant : Nutmeg offers mild sedative, antianxiety and pain-relieving benefits by virtue of its constituent compounds myristicin and elemicin, according to "100 Best Health Foods." A laboratory animal study published in the Spring 2006 issue of the "Journal of Medicinal Food" found that nutmeg exerted significant antidepressant effects. In the study, doses of 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of nutmeg extract increased mobility. Researchers concluded that nutmeg's antidepressant benefits may arise from its activation of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.
* Sleeping Disorders : Nutmeg is an incredibly effective remedy in the case of sleeping disorders. It has mild sedative properties which are extremely helpful in the case of insomnia.
* Brain and Central Nervous System : Central nervous system benefits of nutmeg were noted as far back as the 19th century, according to Victor R. Preedy, coeditor of the book "Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention." A study published in the January 2009 issue of the "Journal of Neuroimmunology" found that a nutmeg relative, known as black wild nutmeg, offers benefits for the brain and nervous system. In the tissue-culture study of brain cells, nutmeg extract showed robust anti-inflammatory and protective effects. Nutmeg also promoted growth of brain tissue following a period of low oxygen and glucose. Researchers concluded that black wild nutmeg has potential for use as a natural treatment in stroke rehabilitation.
* improves blood circulation.* External use : Nutmeg and mace are applied to the skin to kill pain, especially pain caused by achy joints (rheumatism), mouth sores, and toothache.Moreover it boosts skin health. 
* ''Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology: Pharmacological Studies on Myristica Fragrans -- Antidiarrheal, Hypnotic, Analgesic and Hemodynamic (Blood Pressure) Parameters''
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