

2,176 bytes added, 16:56, 4 January 2017
/* Home remedies */
* Mix 5 grams of powdered [[licorice]] root with raw honey and take up to three times per day. The herb may also be chewed directly. Expectorant and anti-inflammatory, licorice makes an excellent remedy for persistent coughs and lung infections.
*Rose-oil is useful for treating asthma, bronchitis and emotional trauma.
*Thyme Tea can be effective for the following chronic conditions: Bronchitis, Emphysema, [[Asthma]], Hay Fever*[[Thyme]] has been used for years to treat respiratory disorders because of its ability to release mucus, making it particularly effective in helping bronchitis sufferers. It is also an antispasmodic, so it helps relax the bronchial tubes and alleviates coughing fits.Thyme Tea can be effective for the following chronic conditions: Bronchitis, Emphysema, [[Asthma]], Hay Fever
* [[Eucalyptus]] oil makes a great natural bronchitis treatment because it is a great expectorant, and expectorants help to loosen phlegm.
* White Pine Bark is an astringent, expectorant, and circulatory stimulant. It can be used as an inhalant for bronchitis, [[laryngitis]], and respiratory congestion.
* [[Red Clover]] helps relieve the spasms in the bronchial walls and it also helps one expel mucus. Using its dried flower to make a tea is the most convenient form of cough management but a tincture may also be used. The demulcent and expectorant qualities of red clover make it an excellent choice in teas for whooping cough and bronchitis.
* Myrtle oil is supportive in cases of coughs, bronchitis, and hypothyroidism.
* [[horseradish]] flour is applied like a cataplasm on the chest area for a half an hour up to an hour. This treatment is repeated once every two or three days. [[Horseradish]] syrup is recommended in cases of asthma, bronchitis, breathing disorders.
* [[Bai He Gu Jin Pian]] is used in deficiency of the Lung and Kidney Yin, which results in a dry cough, dry and sore throat.
* [[South African Geranium]] : Research shows that adults and children with bronchitis who start taking a specific South African geranium extract (Umckaloabo, EPs 7630, Schwabe GmBh, Germany) within 48 hours of feeling sick have fewer symptoms after 7 days of treatment. Some studies have also used extracts in tablet form. But the tablets seemed to work only for adults, not children.
* [[Turmeric]] is proven to have anti-inflammatory properties and can be used with warm milk to provide relief from bronchitis.
* [[Ginger]] has been proven to show anti-pyretic properties and is highly effective in relieving the fever and chills that accompany bronchitis. It also provides relief from sore throats due to the incessant coughing.
*[[Tea Tree]] Oil: This essential oil soothes the blocked airways and can be effectively used as a steam inhalant.
*[[Anise]] has both expectorant and antiseptic properties, thereby helping to clear phlegm from the lungs.
*[[Cardamom]] acts as a decongestant and an expectorant, while relieving the coughing caused by bronchitis.
*[[Onion]] and [[Garlic]]: Onions and garlic have been shown to act as expectorants and to reduce inflammation due to the presence of the chemical quercetin, which inhibits the enzyme lipoxygenase. This enzyme is responsible for the release of inflammatory chemicals in the body.
*[[Chicory]]: The dry root of this herb has strong expectorant properties and can be consumed with honey for best results.
*[[Eucalyptus]] Oil: It aids in relieving the pain associated with incessant coughing and loosens phlegm, according to the University of Maryland Medical Centre.
*[[Camphor]] Oil: It forms a major component of many balms and rubs for treating colds. It is anti-inflammatory and soothes the aches associated with congestion.
*[[Juniper]] Oil: Juniper berries are considered an excellent treatment for colds, coughs and phlegm deposition. They are generally used in the form of steam inhalations.
*[[White pepper]]: helps for Airway inflammation (bronchitis).
*[[Honey]] aids in soothing sore throats and relieves coughs.
== Warnings ==
[[Category:Respiratoty Respiratory disease]]
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