
Achyranthes aspera

4 bytes added, 09:11, 29 January 2017
/* Health Benefits and uses of Achyranthes asperaare */
* in Uttar Pradesh, the plant is used for medicinal purposes, especially in obstetrics and gynecology, including abortion, induction of labor, and cessation of postpartum bleeding.
* The Maasai people of Kenya use the plant medicinally to ease the symptoms of malaria.
* Ayurveda : Achyranthes aspera is one of the powerful Ayurvedic herb. It is used to prepare a special medicine called [[Kshara]], used extensively in surgical procedures to treat fistula, and as oral medicine for obesity, tumors etc.
* Apamarga root paste is applied externally to relieve pain, in scorpion bite, in cases of urticaria, itching etc.
* Apamarga kshara is used in making an oil – Apamarga kshara taila – used as ear drops for ear disorders.
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