

493 bytes added, 17:27, 12 February 2017
Other Names : Camph<br>
See also : [[camphor]]
==Special Precautions of Camphora==
* Only Homeopathic use !* See : Precautions [[Camphor]]
==Health benefits and uses of Camphora==
Extreme * Great coldness of the external surface, with sudden and complete prostration of the vital force; collapse. Camphor is stimulating and warming, in small doses, BECAUSE it is so chilling and depressing in poisonous doses.* Used for extreme restlessness and cracking of joints, shock, measles, sensitivity to cold, icy coldness of whole body, respiratory, colds, Cholera==Profile type==The patient objects to being covered, notwithstanding the objective coldness; throws off all the covering.Pains disappear when thinking of them; exceedingly sensitive to cold air.
Bureaucrat, administrator