

3 bytes removed, 17:07, 19 February 2017
See also : * [[Earl Grey Tea]]
Other names : Bergamot, Bergamot Orange, Bergamota, Bergamotier, Bergamoto, Bergamotte, Bergamotto Bigarade Orange, Citrus Bergamia, Citrus aurantium var. bergamia, Huile de Bergamote, Oleum Bergamotte.<br>
Bergamot, a small citrus tree grown in Mediterranean regions, produces a pear-shaped fruit prized for the aromatic oil derived from the rind. Bergot-flavored tea, marketed widely as Earl Grey tea, is a perennial favorite among tea drinkers. Research into the phytochemicals contained in bergamot and their potential medicinal qualities has yielded promising results.
Bureaucrat, administrator