

234 bytes added, 14:15, 25 March 2017
Native to the untouched lands of Kenya, Tanzania and the African Coast, the hardwood of the Muhuhu trees is utilized for providing gorgeous flooring.
==Special Precautions of Muhuhu==
* Safe when properly diluted and used at 2% or less in non-sensitized individuals.
* Muhuhu essential oil can be rubbed on the chest area to help with issues associated with the respiratory tract, including inflammation, chronic infection, and coughs.
* For skincare purposes, Muhuhu Essential Oil assists with dry and dehydrated skin, acne or oily skin, and skin inflammation and infection. Add Muhuhu as a base for skin and facial care blends.
* Because it is midly astringent Muhuhu is seen beneficial for acne and oily skin.
* Muhuhu essential oil can be used for grounding and meditation practices, as the oil possesses calming, sedative, and root chakra balancing properties. Muhuhu is commonly used in aromatherapy to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, while promoting an overall tranquil state of being.
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