
Dill Weed

22 bytes added, 13:24, 14 May 2017
*it ensures bone and dental health being a good source of calcium.
* [[Chlorophyll]]-benefits
==Nutrition Facts: ==
Dill herb has all the characters to consider it has one of the most valued functional foods. 100 g of dill weed provides only 43 calories, but its phytonutrients profile is no less than any other high-calorie food source; be it nuts, pulses, cereals, or meat group.
100 g fo this herb provides (%of RDA per 100 g):
*37.5% of folates (vitamin B11), *14% of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), *23% of riboflavin (vitamin B-2), *140% of vitamin-C, *257% of vitamin-A, *21% of calcium, *82% of iron and *55% of manganese.
(Note: RDA- Recommended daily allowance)
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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