

1 byte added, 17:36, 2 July 2017
Other Names : silk plantsplant, silk treestree, sirises, Albizia julibrissin<br>
The broad term albizia actually refers to a specific genus of tropical flowering trees that is made up of more than 150 species. The trees are native to Africa, Asia, Madagascar, America, and Australia, but it is an old genus, so when those landmasses were connected, the flowering trees dispersed, and are largely only present in Old World locations. The flowers are very beautiful, with bushy, lacy flowers that makes them very desirable as ornamental plants.
==Special Precautions of Albizia==
*Cholesterol Levels: Protecting the heart is always important, and albizia has a unique ability to lower cholesterol levels due to its impressive mixture of organic compounds and beneficial active ingredients. By lowering cholesterol, the cardiovascular system is protected from things like atherosclerosis, and in turn, strokes and heart attacks.
* Arthritis and Gout: The anti-inflammatory activity of albizia is also used to eliminate the pain associated with gout, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions. Applying a paste to affected joints and areas can quickly relieve swelling, and the sedative nature of the compounds can also eliminate pain.
== References ==
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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