
Linaloe Berry

66 bytes added, 09:54, 9 July 2017
/* health Benefits and uses of Linaloe Berry */
==Special Precautions of Linaloe Berry==
==health Benefits and uses of Linaloe Berry==
It is emotionally uplifting and at the same time, calming and great for assisting sleep. Use it for cooling, and in calming, soothing blends. The relaxing qualities of Linaloe Essential Oil can help ease stress and tension, as well as being invaluable in meditation since it helps to calm the mind.
* anti inflammatory being good for minor sports injuries or bruising and grazes.
* It is a good respiratory aid, for allergies, to calm the inflammation and to calm down the sneezing.
* Anti-infectious
* It is a good oil to vapourise with cases of sinus infection. Blends well with Saro and Tea Tree for sinus infections.
* It is emotionally uplifting and at the same time, calming and great for assisting sleep.
* When combined with Lavender helps to promote good and restful sleep.
* It has a strong antispasmodic action, especially when the pain is from either injury or muscle soreness.
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