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/* The benefits of Schisandra are */
==The benefits of Schisandra are==
Schisandra essential oil is the extracted with CO2 extraction from dehydrated fruits of Schisandra tree. It was commonly used by Russian Olympic athletes as well as hockey players for its adaptogenic properties. This essential oil is used to counteract stress problems, diseases, anxiety problems and weakness issues. It also slows down the occurrence of premature aging. It stimulates the immune system and useful for the treatment of premenstrual disorder. The berries are a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and have been used for thousands of years to boost the body’s chi and raise the body’s stress threshold. Known as “wu wei zi” in Chinese, this “five flavor fruit” contains a complex palette of flavors that are bitter, salty, spicy, sweet, and sour. In traditional Chinese medicine, schisandra is often used to treat cough, wheezing, and diarrhea. Schisandra is also often touted as a natural remedy for these health problems:
* Adaptogen… Schisandra essential oil has adaptogenic properties, meaning it can help the mind and body respond to stress better. Schisandra has been shown scientifically to balance cortisol release and to prevent adrenal fatigue.A number of other herbs have been found to possess similar properties; these include [[Rhodiola]], [[Ginseng]], and [[Ashwagandha]].
* [[Lignans]] (schizandrin, deoxyschizandrin, gomisins, and pregomisin) have a protective effect on the liver and immuno-modulating effect.
* In personal care cosmetics for stressed, sensitive and hyper reactive skin, as prophylaxis in case of problem skin, atopic skin and skin tending to allergies. The product reduces hyper proliferation, is a cox-2 inhibitor and has anti-irritant, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties.
*In food supplements and natural remedies as anti-hepatotoxic, anti-mutagenic, anti-asthmatic and anti-diabetic agent.
* It prevents the deterioration of vision and hearing.
* improves eye problems : It prevents retina degeneration to prevent weak eyesight and blurred vision.
* slows down the premature aging.
* lowers the cholesterol level from the body.
* treats the problem of urination, dehydration and diarrhea.
==Used in Patent Medicine==
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