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<center>''Out of difficulties will grow new beginnings; trust the process.''<br>''One day the pain will make sense. There is a purpose to all pain.''<br>''You don’t have to see the entire path, just take one step.''</center>== Symptoms Causes ==* can be a symptom of [[Stress]]
* if you are diagnosed with [[insomnia]] your risk of also being diagnosed with depression.
* Can be associated with [[Hypothyroidism]].
* Can be associated with [[Adrenal Fatigue]].
* Can be associated with [[Vitamin D]] Deficiency.
* Can be associated with Heavy metal toxicity (See [[Detox]])
* Can be associated with low blood pressure ([[Hypotension]])
* Chronic depression is associated with a variety of nutrient deficiencies, including that of vitamin B6, vitamin B12,vitamin D, folate [[Vitamin B9]], choline, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
== Home remedies ==
* Chronic depression [[Tyrosine]] rich foods like : alfalfa, almonds, apple, asparagus, avocado, banana, beet, carrot, cheese, cherries, chicken, chocolate, cottage cheese, cucumber, egg, fig, fish, leek, lettuce, milk, parsley, peanuts, poultry, spinach, strawberries, watercress, watermelon, yogurt.* [[Tryptophan]] is associated with a variety of nutrient deficienciesthe precursor to serotonin, including which is a necessary neurotransmitter that can lift some types of vitamin B6depression. Food sources that contain tryptophan include fish, vitamin B12poultry, organic beef, vitamin Deggs, folatebroccoli, cholineendive, proteinfennel, sweet potato, carrot, barley, rye, oats, rice, hummus, lentils, hazelnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds and omega-3 fatty acidssunflower seeds. * Dark [[Chocolate ]] contains the mood-boosting compounds phenylethylamine, tyramine, tryptophan, and magnesium. * For individuals over the age of 50, folic acid, [[Vitamin B6]] and B12 are recommended to help in cases of depression or brain fog. This is because levels of Vitamin B are lower in older people for it is not very well absorbed.* Foods high in [[Vitamin B5]] include bean sprouts, beef, egg, haddock, salmon, sardines, mackerel, lobster, mushrooms, peanuts, pineapple and watermelon.* [[Folate]] (Vitamin B9) makes you smart and happy. Lack of folate makes you depressed and stupid:
* [[Turmeric]] is used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
*[[St. John's wort]]: This popular herb has been used to treat depression for centuries. One major review found that it was as effective as standard drugs in many cases, although evidence suggests it’s not as helpful for people who are severely (compared to mildly) depressed. SJW may work by helping to rebalance levels of brain chemicals linked to mood, like dopamine and serotonin. The big warning sign with SJW, though, is that it interacts with many different medications (including some antidepressants), so you should always check with your doctor before you take it.
*[[Omega-3]]: Numerous studies have found that heart-healthy fish oil may also benefit your brain and mood. A big study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that omega-3 intake significantly improved depression and certain other psychiatric conditions.
* Also omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid in [[walnut]]s are usefull. Depression usually results when there is deficiency in omega-3.
* Sleep deprivation can rapidly reduce the symptoms of depression.
* Salmon and other cold water fish are rich in vitamin B12. The nutrient has a mood-elevating effect and it would be a good meal after a long day at work or a few hours in the gym.
* [[Bananas]] contain an amino acid called tryptophan (can also be found in turkeys) which can lead to an improved mood.
*[[SAM-e]]: Short for S-adenosylmethionine, this naturally occurring compound in your body helps boost brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine; low levels of both are implicated in causes of depression. Research shows SAMe is as effective as many antidepressant meds.
* [[Asparagus]] possess antidepressant and aphrodisiac qualities.
* The carbohydrates from [[oatmeal]], when digested by the body, results to the production and delivery of the amino acid tryptophan to the brain. Tryptophan will then stimulate the production of a neurotransmitter called serotonin which results to a feeling of peacefulness and being able to better cope with things. * [[Green Tea]] contains the amino acid L-theanine, which helps in stimulating the creation of alpha brain waves. The stimulation of such brain waves can provide a calming effect while improving focus. And because L-theanine gets easily absorbed, the effects on mood are immediate.
* Don't take life to serious ! <br>
* [[Shilajit]] can be used for those seeking to decrease inflammation in the body, as well as helping people to manage anemia, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, edema, depression, and mental stress.
* [[Siberian ginseng]] is one of only a handful of herbs that is an adaptogen, which means that it works to normalize bodily functions. It inhibits the adrenal stress response and works as an immune stimulant, particularly for fighting the effects of stress and depression. It aids the liver in detoxifying harmful toxins, including chemotherapeutic agents and radiation. Siberian ginseng also stimulates the activity of several immune system components: B and T cells, making it excellent for Chronic [[Fatigue]] Syndrome and other viral infections.
* [[Magnesium]] is a mineral that’s known for producing serotonin, the body’s feel good medicine. Good sources of magnesium include halibut, almonds, cashews, unprocessed peanut butter, spinach, black eyed peas, lentils, kidney and pinto beans, baked potatoes, and long grain brown rice. Bananas also aid the release of serotonin.
* [[Iron]] : Low levels of iron can lead to depression as well as fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, headaches, dizziness and an increased susceptibility to infections and viruses.
* [[Zinc]] supplementation or dietary intake (from milk, for instance) can help reduce feelings of anger, hostility, and depression.
* A [[selenium]] supplement or dietary intake (from whole wheat products) can improve the function of the thyroid gland, which in turn can help regulate mood.
*[[Vitamin B12]] : Low levels of B12 can lead to low energy, memory problems, poor sleep, mental fog and depression.
* [[Vitamin B6]] helps with your body’s production of neurotransmitters including serotonin. It also supports overall nervous system health and promotes a proper breakdown of sugars and starches in your body.
*Sunflower seeds are a super source of folate and magnesium, two substances that play a significant role in regulating and boosting mood.
*[[Grapefruit ]] oil lifts the mood and is used with great success to counter muscle fatigue and stiffness.*[[Sandalwood ]] oil reduces tension and confusion, is ideal for use in depression and calms one down after a day which leaves one feeling run down.*[[Rhodiola ]] is effective in treating: [[Fatigue]], Poor attention span, Decreased memory, Low productivity, Concentration problems -- or "brain fog", Generalized weakness, Stress, Depression.* [[Saffron]], a popular Middle Eastern spice, may be effective for treating mild to moderate depression.*[[Rosemary]] has been shown to make you feel more content and increase awareness
* [[Melissa]] helps to improve levels of relaxation and better the mood.
* [[Bacopa]] is used to treat depression.
* Eliminate alcohol : Alcohol is a depressant.
* [[SAM-e]] is widely prescribed for depression.
* exercise [[Xiao Yao Wan]] may help fight depression by protecting against stress-related changes in biochemistry.*Exercise: Try to go for People suffering from depression should also supplement their daily routines through more fresh air and physical activity. Exercise is a natural anti-depressant, and engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise like brisk walk at least three walking or four jogging is good for your body and mind.* Meditation helps balance the body and mind in many ways, and can relieve depression, anxiety and stress related issues. Practicing meditation trains your mind-body to have a healthier response to stress, allowing you to handle life with a cool head and clear mind. It also soothes frayed nerves and helps bring feelings of calm in hectic times . *[[Reiki]] is a powerful yet gentle form of energy work that helps speed healing of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Reiki can help lift depression by aiding emotional healing and release, relieving the heaviness of grief or helping you find your passion and purpose in life by getting more in tune with your heart's desire. Reiki is also wonderful for stress relief, bringing a calm, centered feeling to a stormy mind full of stress * [[Kava]] root is a weeknatural anti-depressant.
* the essential oil of [[basil]], which is distilled from the leaves of the plant, is being used to lighten the body from anxiety, fatigue and depression.
* [[Ginkgo Biloba]] is used in several neurological health problems, such as memory loss, poor concentration, dizziness, Alzheimer’s disease and clinical depression.
* Lean chicken meats rich in protein and with the least amount of fat can stimulate the brain to produce more norepinephrine and dopamine; these are neurochemicals that keep you feeling alert and in good mood.
* [[Camu camu]] has adaptogenic properties that normalize bodily processes during stress, and help relieve symptoms of depression
* [[Kratom]] alleviates anxiety and depression symptoms, and promote feelings of wellness and happiness.
* [[Ashwagandha]], an Indian plant that has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine, contains powerful adaptogenic compounds that are known to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.
* [[maca]] helps reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.
* Serotonin plays an important role in regulating happiness, problem-solving and concentration. Plums, pineapple, bananas and sour cherries can directly influence serotonin production.
* lemon oil to possess anti-depressant effects and concentration.
* Balancing Hormones: Supplementing with 2 to 4 grams of vitamin D daily can help with depression, because it helps the body make serotonin.
*Sunlight: We all know that getting moderate amounts of sunshine helps boost mood. It’s no different with depression.
*Dehydration: And as always, drink lots of pure water to avoid dehydration, which is frequently a factor in depression.
* Turkey contains tryptophan, a neurotransmitter that boosts serotonin to help us feel good. Milk does that also, but it's wise to find a raw milk source if you consume it.
*High protein foods, including fish and eggs, boost dopamine and norepinephrine production, which is good for concentration, alertness, and stabilizing mood swings.
* safflower, parsley, kelp and sage are also said to help adrenal functions. A daily intake of garlic and sesame seeds can also be beneficial.
* [[Phosphatidylserine]] holds promise in the treatment of depression.
* Meditation : In a 2010 study of 82 college students, researchers found that those who took part in three one-hour mindfulness meditation sessions had greater improvements in mood compared to those who were assigned to a sham meditation training or a control group. Mindfulness meditation was also found to be more effective in reducing fatigue and heart rate.
* [[Yoga]] may act as a natural mood enhancer for people with certain health problems.
* [[Aromatherapy]] massage may serve as a natural mood enhancer, according to a 2010 study of 40 healthy volunteers.
* Healing Saints : [[St. Dymphna]]
== Warnings ==
If you're experiencing symptoms of depression (such as difficulty concentrating, decreased energy, and persistent feelings of sadness), it's crucial to consult a mental-health professional.
== References ==
[[Category:mental disorders]]
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