
Holy Basil

1,307 bytes added, 14:27, 12 November 2017
/* Special Precautions of Holy Basil */
==Special Precautions of Holy Basil==
* Holy basil might be safe when used for short periods of time, up to four weeks. It's not known if long-term use is safe.
* It has was found that excess consumption of Tulsi can lead to [[eugenol]] overdose *Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use One of the holy basil side effects include increase in uterine contractions in pregnant women. This side effect of Tulsi can lead to complications during pregnancy and breast-feedingchildbirth or menstruation. Stay on *Tulsi has the safe side and avoid useproperty to thin the blood in our bodies. And hence it should not be taken along with other anti-clotting medications.*SurgeryHypoglycaemia : Holy basil might slow Tulsi is taken by people with high blood clottingsugar to lower their blood sugar levels. But if people who are suffering from diabetes or hypoglycaemia and are under medication consume Tulsi, so there is a concern that it could increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgerymight lead to excessive reduction in blood sugar. Stop using holy basil at least 2 weeks before * Tulsi might cause infertility in males : Test group rabbits were two grams of Tulsi leaves for over a scheduled surgeryperiod of 30 days.A significant decrease in the sperm count of test group rabbits was noted* Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) Pentobarbital interacts with Holy Basil.* Pentobarbital interacts with Holy BasilDiazepam and scopolamine are two drugs which help reduce nausea, vomiting and nervousness, anxiety respectively. Tulsi might reduce the amnesic effect caused by these two drugs.* Skin sensitivity may accur. 
==The benefits of Holy Basil are==
Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum), also known internationally as tulsi, is highly prized in the natural healing community both for its heady scent and for its healing properties. In the Hindu religion, holy basil is a sacred plant which is used during meditation and is considered a staple in every home garden.
*antioxidant which fights against cancer : In a 2007 clinical study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, scientists tested the effectiveness of holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) leaf extract in rats who exhibited oxidative stress, DMBA-induced cancer, and an enzyme imbalance. DMBA is a powerful toxin which is commonly used to initiate cancer tumors in laboratory animals for cancer research purposes. Four different concentrations of holy basil leaf extract were fed to rats over a five day period, then were injected with DMBA. When cancer symptoms were positively identified, the scientists measured the ability of holy basil to combat cancer. At a dosage of 300mg per kilgram of body weight, holy basil leaf extract significantly reduced the formation of cancerous micronuclei, enzymes which metabolize toxins in the body, and oxidation in both proteins and fats. Antioxidant and healthy enzymatic activity was increased.
* Remove Fluoride from Water : Tulsi, or Holy Basil might just be an answer to defluoridating water in poor countries all over the world.
* Support Pineal Gland Health
*heals neuropathy caused by surgery. The October 2008 issue of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology reports a clinical study which was performed on rats that had sciatic nerve neuropathy. The researchers severed the sciatic nerve in the rats' paws, then measured the resulting neuropathy. Ocimum sanctum (holy basil) extract was then administered for ten days following the surgeries. The scientists observed that holy basil extract reduced the effects of nerve degeneration, helped to make nerve receptors more sensitive to stimuli, and aided in motor control after the surgery. The herb also curbed a rise in TBARS, an indicator of oxidative stress, and increased the amount of calcium and glutothione in the body of the rats.
*Holy basil oil may be useful in the treatment of acne
*Common cold.
*Influenza ("the flu").
*Asthma: Tulsi is very beneficial in the treatment of asthma since it relieves congestion and facilitates smoother breathing. The phytonutrients and essential oils, along with the other minerals in it, help cure some of the underlying causes of asthma as well.*Bronchitis: Tulsi, along with curing viral, bacterial, and fungal infections of the respiratory system, gives miraculous relief in congestion due to the presence of components like camphene, eugenol, and cineole in its essential oils. It is very effective in curing almost all respiratory disorders including bronchitis, both chronic and acute.
*An antidote to snake and scorpion bites.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:Essential oil]]
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