

339 bytes added, 18:46, 6 December 2017
/* Home remedies */
== Symptoms ==See also :* [[Chronic Pain Syndrome (CPS)]]* [[Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)]]
== Home remedies ==
* [[Devil's claw]] (harpagophytum procumbens) an aromatic plant from Namibia is superior to traditional painkillers in several respects. It's as effective as COX-2 inhibitors... without the deadly side effects!
* [[willow bark]] is actually the herbal form of aspirin. It too contains salicin, mimicking the effects of aspirin.
* [[Aspen Bark]] : Also known as "Nature's Aspirin", is a bark that is harvested from the Aspen Tree.
* [[Belladonna]] : Before the Middle Ages, Belladonna was taken as an anesthetic for surgery.
* [[Ignatia]] has been used by Chinese doctors for centuries to help calm the nerves and relieve pain due to emotional upset.
*[[SAM-e]]. A popular dietary supplement for treating osteoarthritis and depression, SAM-e, or S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine, is a compound naturally found in every human cell in the body. Recognized for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits, SAM-e can help ease pain, relieve stiffness, reduce joint swelling, and even rebuild cartilage. SAM-e is also known to help treat fibromyalgia, bursitis, tendinitis, and lower back pain.
*[[Vitamin D]] deficiency is linked to a host of chronic illnesses, including chronic pain. A 2009 study found that patients deficient in vitamin D require almost twice as much pain medication as patients with adequate levels, illustrating an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and pain. Supplementing with vitamin D and regularly exposing your skin to natural sunlight just might be the remedy you need for overcoming chronic pain.
* [[Ginger]] contains the chemical gingerol. Gingerol has been found to reduce inflammation and block pain pathways.3 This is good news for people with arthritis.
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator