
True Unicorn root

48 bytes added, 13:38, 25 February 2018
Other Names : Aletris farinosa, Ague grass, ague-root, aletris, Aletris farinose, aletris farinseu, aloeroot, bettie grass, bitter grass, black-root, blazing star, colicroot, colic-root, colicweed, crow corn, devil's bit, diosgenin, gentrogenin, Liliaceae, mehlige Aletria , saponins, stargrass, star-root, starwort, unicorn root, white colic root.<br>The rootstock is used which should be collected in autumn.<br>See also : [[Aletris farinosa]] (Homeopathy)
==Special Precautions of True Unicorn root==
* Only use dried rootstock,in large doses the fresh root is somewhat narcotic, emetic and cathartic.
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