

2,636 bytes added, 15:23, 25 February 2018
/* Home remedies */
See also : [[Hemorrhage]]== The following may increase bleeding risk: Blood Thinners and Nutritional Supplement ==Some natural substances have blood-thinning properties. A possible risk exists when taking such a product while also taking Coumarins (coumadin-like substances), salicylates (aspirin-like substances) and anti-platelets (substances that prevent blood cells from clumping together) as these are all considered blood thinners. Too much blood thinning can lead to excessive bleeding. *Angelica root*Arnica flower*Anise*Asafoetida*Bogbean*Borage seed oil*Bromelain*Capsicum*Celery*Chammomile*Feverfew*Garlic*Ginger*Ginkgo*Horse chestnut*Licorice root*Lovage root*Eadowsweet*Onion*Parsey*Passionflower herb*Poplar*Quassia*Red clover*Rue*Sweet Clover*Turmeric*Willow bark.
*Herbs containing coumadin: angelica root, arnica flower,anise, asafoetida,celery,chamomile,fenugreek,horse chestnut,licorice root,lovage root,parsley,passionflower herb,quassia. red clover, rue,sweet clover*Herbs thought to contain salicylates: Meadowsweet,poplar,willow bark*Herbs with Anti-platelet properties: bromelain,clove,onion, and turmeric There are no documented reports of a proven interaction between Coumadin and any of these herbs. However, patients taking these herbs while on Coumadin should be closely watched for signs of bleeding. Herbs that potentiall can increase bleeding time should be stopped at least 2 weeks before surgery and not be taken until approval of the treating physician.  Nearly all available information on herb-Coumadin interactions is based on lab studies, animal studies, or individual case reports. Cause and effect relationships have not been proven. Available reports give limited information about the severity of these interactions. There is little reliable information about the safety and effectiveness of most herbal products. There are no regulations governing purity and potency of herbal products during manufacturing. == Bleeding Risk == *The following Does may increase bleeding risk ==: Angelica root, Arnica flower, Anise, Asafoetida, Bogbean, Borage seed oil, Bromelain, Capsicum, Celery, Chammomile, Feverfew, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo, Horse chestnut, Licorice root, Lovage root, Eadowsweet, Onion, Parsey, Passionflower herb, Poplar, Quassia, Red clover, Rue, Sweet Clover, Turmeric, Willow bark.*Danshen*The following Does increase bleeding risk: Danshen, Devil's claw*, Dong quai, Papain, Vitamin E *PapainThe following may lessen Coumadin's effect: Coenzyme Q10, Ginseng== Home remedies ==*Vitamin E[[Wild Geranium]] : Used externally, it is a powerful blood coagulant: The dry powder sprinkled on a wound or cut will stop bleeding immediately. (Barbers have used it as a styptic for years to stop razor cuts.) * [[Cayenne]] : by using pepper you can stop horny – bleeding from the nose and deep cuts! You can stop the bleeding with putting a little ground (domestic) peppers on a scratch or deeper cut. And the best is that you will not feel anything unpleasant! In addition, the peppers will enable the safe healing, and after all, there will be no scar. This folk medicine “recipe” have been used from ancient times to today. Drink a little pepper diluted in a glass of water if you have any internal wounds, it will help shortly. *[[Coffee]] Grounds applied bleeding stops bleeding almost immediately. == References == {{headers}}[[Category:Diseases]][[Category:Cardiovascular disease]]
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