
Bad Breath (Halitosis)

1,350 bytes added, 17:43, 25 February 2018
/* Home remedies */
*People of South America, first thing in the morning gargle with one teaspoon of honey and [[cinnamon]] powder mixed in hot water. So their breath stays fresh throughout the day.
* [[chlorophyll]] in doses as low as 100 milligrams a day could neutralize bad breath, body odor, menstrual odors, and foul-smelling urine and stools : Greens and algaes contain some of the densest natural concentrations of chlorophyll. Mate tea, grown primarily in countries in South America, is one of the richest known sources of chlorophyll. Herbs such as basil, cilantro, and dill are also good sources of chlorophyll.
*[[Parsley]] can kill bacteria that cause bad breath because it is rich in chlorophyll, “which is thought to have antibacterial activity.”
* [[Myrrh]] : Used to combat bad breath, myrrh can be found in some fluoride-free toothpastes on the market. You might wonder exactly how it works. Well, one of the compounds in myrrh is actually toxic to all the things that can cause bad breath. And, like many of the supplements listed here, it could also help with gum health. Research shows it’s effective in fighting periodontal disease. A high-quality product, like Fresh Mouth, not only contains myrrh, but also a blend of other ingredients to support a healthy mouth.
* Yoga offers specific breathing techniques, most commonly known as 'pranayama,' in order to aid in the complete balance of the entire system.
* [[Lemon]]s help freshen breath : Lemon juice contains powerful substances that help inhibit bacterial growth.
* [[Magnolia]] bark extract contains chemicals that kill bacteria that cause bad breath (halitosis), a new study shows. Those compounds are called magnolol and honokiol.
* red Red Ginseng ([[ginsengPanax Ginseng]] to ) is used to fight bad breath.
* [[Omega-3 fatty acids]] have been shown to reduce bacteria in the mouth as well as inflammation -- both of which cause bad breath.
* [[Fiber ]] : In particular, celery, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes and other crunchy fruits and vegetables help keep your mouth moist by producing excess saliva -- your body's natural weapon against bad breath. These foods also clean the mouth, scrape away plaque buildup and help naturally remove foods that are stuck between teeth and gums.*[[Sesame Seeds]] : Sesame seed oil has been used for oral health for thousands of years in the traditional Indian medical tradition known as Ayurveda in a process known as “oil pulling.” It involves swishing sesame seed oil in the mouth for prolonged durations and has been said to prevent teeth decay, halitosis, bleeding gums, dry throat, and for strengthening the teeth, gums and jaw. Clinical research now confirms that it compares favorably to chemical mouthwash (chlorhexidine) in improving plaque-induced gingivitis,and that it is capable of reducing Streptococcus mutans growth associated with oral plaque formation. (see also : [[Oil pulling]])
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator