
Blue Flag

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/* Special Precautions of Blue Flag */
Other Names: Iris versicolor, Iris, Iris caroliniana, Iris Versicolore, Iris virginica, Clajeux, Lirio Azul, Lis Bleu, Sweet Flag, Water Flag.<br>Blue flag is a perennial herb native to North America, and cultivated elsewhere in the world. People use the underground stem (rhizome) of blue flag to make medicine.
==Special Precautions of Blue Flag==
* The rhizomes of Blue flag is UNSAFE. It Flag can cause be dangerously toxic if taken internally in large doses, causing nausea and , vomiting, and the fresh root can irritate the mouth, throat, digestive tract, and skin. Blue flag can also cause headache and swollen, watery eyesheadaches.*Blue flag Poisoning can occur so it is UNSAFE for anyone best to use, but it is especially unsafe consult with your health care provider before taking this herb for people with any the treatment of the following conditions:your condition. **Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Blue flag is UNSAFE. Don’t use it if you are root should not be used by pregnant or breast-feeding.**Stomach lactating women or in cases of stomach or intestinal problems such as infectionsirritation, ulcerative colitisor diarrhea. Some people may have allergic skin reactions to blue flag root, and Crohn’s disease: Blue flag can irritate the stomach and intestines fresh root may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It should not be used taken by anyone with any children. Keep Out of these conditions.the Reach of Children
* Digoxin (Lanoxin) interacts with Blue Flag
* Warfarin (Coumadin) interacts with Blue Flag
* Water pills (Diuretic drugs) interacts with Blue Flag
* Do not confuse with Wild Irris.
==Benefits and uses of Blue Flag are==
Blue Flag has been known as the liver lily because of its dried and powdered rhizome was used as a remedy for impurities of the blood and diseases of the liver. Early American Indians regarded this herb as a virtual panacea and they used the flowers and leaves in a poultice for treating sores and bruises.
Bureaucrat, administrator