

5,730 bytes added, 17:23, 1 August 2018
* [[Chelation]]
* [[Chelating agents]]
* [[Poisoning]]
* [[Radioactivity]]
* [[Panchakarma]] (Ayurveda)
When it comes to detoxing your body, there are many techniques you can follow and supplements you can take. But, the best way, is to eat lots of foods that detox the body. Below is a list of detox foods that I thought would be an great addition to everybody’s diet.
*Fruits : Fruits are extremely high in liquid-content, helping the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and are high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and many important vitamins like vitamin C.
* fruits and vegetables contain some amount of pectin, with apples and citrus fruits being highest. Pectin is a natural fiber that attracts and binds to heavy metals and toxins, lifting them from bodily tissues.
*Green Foods : When you are ready to detox your body, fill your refrigerator with blue green algae, barley, wheatgrass, kale, spinach, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, arugula or other organic leafy greens. These plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract.Chlorophyll rids the body of harmful environmental toxins from smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.
*LemonsApple fasting detox is accomplished by eating only organic apples for three days while drinking lots of pure water.*[[Lemon]]s, Grapefruit, Oranges & Limes : These citrus-wonders aid the body in flushing out toxins, as well as jump-start the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. They also aid the liver in its cleansing processes. To increase detoxification, start each morning with a warm glass of lemon water.* [[Modified Citrus Pectin]] : Citrus pectin is made from the inner peel of citrus fruits, and in a uniquely modified form, it’s been shown in clinical studies to flush up to 74% of toxins from the human body.*vitamin [[Autophagy]] is a detox process your body undergoes to clean out damaged cells and regenerate new ones. * [[Milk Thistle]] has protective benefits for the liver, it turbocharges your liver's cleansing abilities. Milk thistle counteracts the effects of toxins that can impact liver cells.* [[Artichoke]] Leaf hase the ability to stimulate the production of bile, which is important for healthy digestion and absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins…and many waste products are eliminated from your body by secretion into bile.* [[Bentonite]] clay has strong internal cleansing properties. As a result, it has become a very popular ingredient in some detoxification programs. * [[Coriander]] : Cilantro is most often cited as being effective for heavy metal cleansing and rightfully so, this herb is a powerful, natural cleansing agent. The chemical compounds in cilantro bind to heavy metals and loosen them from the tissue. Many people suffering from mercury exposure report a reduction in the often-cited feeling of disorientation after consuming large and regular amounts of cilantro over an extended period.* Soy [[Lecithin]] (Phosphatidylcholine) helps "thin" a fatty liver.* [[Alpha lipoic acid]] helps your liver combat the effects of medications by boosting your body's level of glutathione, which helps keep your liver enzymes at healthy levels. Known as the "universal antioxidant," Alpha Lipoic Acid also protects your liver and kidneys from free radical and oxidative stress damage and inflammation.* [[N-Acetyl Cysteine]] …or NAC. This powerful antioxidant helps your liver and kidneys control exposure to toxic heavy metals and boosts their detoxifying powers. Plus, it helps break up mucus that will clog these vital organs in your body.*[[Vitamin C ]] is one of the best detox vitamins around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material. Eat vitamin c foods often to help get more of these benefits.*[[Garlic ]] : This pungent little bulb is one of the best detox foods out there. It helps stimulate the liver into producing important detoxification enzymes that will help filter out toxic residues in the digestive system. We recommend adding sliced or cooked garlic to any dish, as this will help aid any detox diet. The sulfur compounds in garlic - the most well known is Allicin - promote the body's detoxifying activities.*[[Broccoli ]] Sprouts : Extremely high in antioxidants, broccoli sprouts can help stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract like none-other. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully-grown vegetable, despite the picture on the right.
* [[Cabbage]] helps the liver break down excess hormones. Cabbage also cleanses the digestive tract and soothes the stomach, which could in part be due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage (kale is another excellent choice—see below) demonstrate powerful detoxification activity, including neutralizing some of the damaging compounds found in cigarette smoke (and second-hand smoke). They also contain a compound that helps the liver produce adequate amounts of enzymes for detoxification.
* [[Kale]] contains powerful anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds that help cleanse the body of harmful substances. It is also high in fiber, which helps cleanse the intestinal tract. Like cabbage, kale helps neutralize compounds found in cigarette smoke and contains a substance that jump-starts the liver’s production of cleansing enzymes.
*[[Green Tea ]] : Packed full of antioxidants, green tea not only washes toxins out of the system through its liquid content, but also contains a special type of antioxidant called catechins, known to increase liver function.
*Mung Beans : The mighty mung bean has been used by Ayurvedic doctors for thousands of years. It is incredibly easy to digest, and absorbs toxic residue on the sides of the intestinal walls.
* [[Chia]], [[hemp]] seeds. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, both chia and hemp seeds are excellent intestinal cleansers. According to Dr. Edward Group III from the Global Healing Center, omega-3 rich seeds and oils in general help lubricate the intestinal walls and draw out toxins in order to eliminate them from the body. Chia seeds are particularly effective in this regard, as they swell and form a gel-like coating when soaked, which elicits a powerful detoxification effect in the gut
*Raw Vegetables : Best for juicing detox regimens or eaten raw: Onions, carrots, artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, beet, turmeric, and oregano. The combination of these foods will help your liver purge toxins during the cleansing process. These are high in naturally occurring sulphur and glutathione. Sulphur helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.
* Beets—contain [[Parsley]] contains vitamin C, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, vitamin K and folate, which are all needed by the body for detox.* [[Beets]]—contain a unique mixture of natural plant chemicals (phytochemicals) and minerals that make them superb fighters of infection, blood purifiers, and liver cleansers. They also help boost the body’s cellular intake of oxygen, making beets excellent overall body cleansers.* [[Cauliflower]] because it is a cruciferous vegetable (a family that includes broccoli, cabbage and bok choy) that is high in phytochemicals called glucosinolates. These chemicals are broken down in the intestines to isothiocynates and indole-3-carbinol, compounds which regulate the body’s detoxification enzymes and protect against cancer.* [[Quinoa]] : The folate and vitamin B in quinoa also boost the liver's ability to eliminating toxins from the body.* [[Wheat Grass]] is packed with chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.*Seeds & Nuts : Incorporate more of the easily digestible seeds and nuts into your diet. This include flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, Siberian cedar nuts and sunflower seeds. While detoxing, avoid nut butters. Almonds—are * [[Almonds]] are high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and useable protein that helps stabilize blood sugar and remove impurities from the bowels. Most detox diets don't include cow's milk, and almond milk is one of the best-tasting, most readily available plant-based alternatives.* seaweeds [[Seaweed]]s bind to radioactive waste in the body so it can be removed. Radioactive waste can find its way into the body through some medical tests or through food that has been grown where water or soil is contaminated. Seaweed also binds to heavy metals to help eliminate them from the body. In addition, it is a powerhouse of minerals and trace minerals.* [[Ginger]] promotes detoxification by speeding the movement of food through the intestines, thanks to compounds called gingerols and shogaols.* [[Neem]] : By circulating cleansing white blood cells and lymph throughout your body, neem naturally supports detoxification.
*Omega-3 Oils : Use hemp, avocado, olive oils or flax seed oil while detoxing. This will help lubricate the intestinal walls, allowing the toxins to be absorbed by the oil, and eliminated by the body. (especially in [[Flaxseed]]s and [[Flaxseed]] Oil)
* [[Oil pulling]]
* pH drink : It's very important to maintain your pH and keep it slightly alkaline during and after a detox. The easiest, least expensive way to do this is with a pH drink -- and, the drink is also one of the best, most gentle methods of pain-free detoxing. Mix two ounces of fresh lime or lemon juice with half a teaspoon of baking soda in a tall glass. Allow it to foam until it's completely flat. Add 12 ounces of water and drink immediately. It should taste like flat lime or lemon with a slightly sweet aftertaste. Drink one to three glasses a day. The pH drink will remove all noxious chemicals and heavy metals and make you feel good as a bonus. It relieves gout, arthritis, acid reflux, headaches, and a host of other physical and mental symptoms.
* [[Blueberry]] : Blueberries have antiviral properties and are loaded with super-detoxifying phytonutrients called proanthocyanidins.
* [[Cranberries]] have powerful antibiotic and antiviral substances to help the body cleanse harmful bacteria and viruses from the urinary tract.
*Red [[Strawberries]] activates a protein in our bodies called Nrf2 which removes toxins from the cell.
* [[Silica]] : Detox of Aluminium can be done with [[Silica]].* [[Chlorella]] , an intensely concentrated chlorophyl food, is a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and pesticides.
* [[Turmeric]] has been traditionally used to help support the removal of toxins from the liver and stimulate the production of bile.
* [[Burdock Root]] purges chemicals to purify blood!
* [[Avocado]]s contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least 30 different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals.
* [[Selenium]] protects tissues from heavy metal toxicity.
* [[Carrots ]] : Carrots are loaded with important nutrients that are essential to the health of the liver which is considered to be the largest organ in the body. Nutrients present in carrots include vitamins, B6, A, C and K; magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Perhaps one of the most important nutrients found in carrots that are beneficial to the liver is vitamin A. It is said greatly influence the liver’s overall health and it also aids in its detoxification. Most recommend that carrots be taken in its juice form. However, remember to take it moderately as very high levels of vitamin A can also be toxic. If taken correctly, carrot juice can do wonders to the health of the liver.
* Limes, Lemons and Oranges : Citrus fruits such as limes, lemons and oranges help the body in getting rid of toxins. They also help the digestive tract when it comes to enzymatic processes. These fruits cleanse the liver because of its vitamin C content. Vitamin C converts toxins into materials that are easily digested by the body. Lemon Detox diet : This diet was invented by Stanley Burroughs 60 years ago. Also known as the Master Cleanse, it consists of taking lemon juice, pure organic maple syrup, pure water and cayenne pepper for a period not less than 10 days. If you wish to practice this regimen, however, be prepared for frequent visits to the toilet
* The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox - Traced to the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine, this program eliminates all acidic foods to help the body eliminate toxin build up. It supposedly alters the body's PH balance to its ideal alkaline state.
* [[Dandelion]] : Not only will it help cleanse the bowel and causes diuresis but it also has a detoxifying effect on the functions of the liver and the gall bladder. There have been several studies conducted on this particular plant and it showed that it help remove the toxins.
* [[Milk Thistle]] is used as detoxifier, as well as it disables the damage to the kidney from toxins.
* [[Glutathione]] is able to convert toxins into harmless substances.
* [[Glucomannan]] has a long history of use as a detox aid.
* [[Flaxseed]]s have soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps the body’s detoxification by promoting bowel regularity and helping the body to eliminate excess toxins, cholesterol and waste.
*[[Fennel]] is a mildly diuretic, which may help with the removal of toxic substances from the body.
* [[Combretum Micranthum]] is used for detox and is an opium antidote.
* [[Juniper]] is considered a purifying remedy. It is a diuretic that stimulates elimination of wastes from the body and is considered a detoxifying agent even beyond that basic function.
* [[Redcurrant]]
* [[Black Seed Oil]] has a potential role to protect us from harmful effects of chemicals present in our environments.
* [[Hydrilla Verticillata]] rapidly detoxify your body of harmful wastes and toxins - Experience the Clarity. Hydrilla has a gentle cleansing effect on the digestive tract, removing waste buildup and toxins as ell as helping promote regular bowel movements.
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