
Jojoba Oil

799 bytes added, 12:22, 4 August 2018
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Jojoba Oil */
** It prevents hair from looking greasy or oily : Oily scalp problems are hard to deal with, especially if you have long hair. Most of the products that promise you grease-free hair usually ends up over-drying them instead. Shampooing also doesn’t help, as it dries out your hair and makes it look dull and unhealthy, and conditioning may make your hair greasier than ever. So what’s the solution? This is where jojoba oil steps in. Jojoba oil helps control the sebum production of the scalp, which was already mentioned in the acne page. It helps to balance the sebum production in the scalp and helps promote a healthy shine to your hair and also regulates the flow of sebum in clogged pores. This way, it balances the amount of oil on your scalp perfectly.
**prevents and stops hair loss and thinning of hair : Washing hair with jojoba oilHair loss is actually often caused by blocked hair follicles, which causes it to break off. Hair growth can also be adversely effected if too many pores are clogged with sebum. As stated above, jojoba oil can dissolve and clear these blockages which in turn reduces hair loss. Conditions like psoriasis and scalp dematitis which may cause hair loss can also be treated with jojoba oil because of its antifungal properties. Besides that, jojoba oil helps stimulate and promote new hair growth because it encourages the development of new hair cells and helps improve micro-circulation in the scalp.
** Dandruff : The most common cause of “oily dandruff” is excessive sebum secretions and accumulation on the scalp. Since Jojoba oil is similar in structure to sebum, massaging the oil onto the scalp can effectively dissolve and clear the encrusted scales created by sebum over-accumulation, providing relief from dandruff as .**Dry, itchy and flaky scalp: Jojoba oil is non-allergenic and noncomedogenic, which means that it helps will not irritate your scalp or clog the pores. Due to moisturize its anti-inflammatory and mild antiseptic properties, Jojoba oil has asoothing effect on irritated and inflamed scalp conditions. If you suffer from a dry, itchy and flaky scalp in the winter, apply the oil to the affected areas and massaged it in. To control scalp acne, massage Jojoba oil into your scalp and leave it in for 10-20 minutes, then shampoo.
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