

229 bytes added, 09:54, 11 November 2018
/* Home remedies */
* [[Kava]] kava can lift your spirit and make you happier by inducing a mild state of euphoria and sedation. Kava kava is very effective in the treatment of anxiety, working within a week of taking it daily. In medical applications, the herb is used in the treatment for women with post-menopausal depression. For people with sleep disorders, kava kava is a non-addictive herb which can work as a mild tranquilizer.
* [[Passionflower]] works as a non-drowsy, natural sedative that relieves intermittent stress, nervousness, anxiety and panic attacks. It won’t put your worries away by knocking you out or making you sleepy. You can find a certain equilibrium in passion flower by making you feel emotionally balanced. For those with bipolar disorder, it won’t give you a hyper, happy or excited feeling. Instead, passion flower will restrain your emotions from its range of extremes. If you have exaggerated emotions throughout the day (in which you go from being very happy to being very angry or sad), you may find passion flower to be a nice tea to drink after letting it seep in boiling water for 10 minutes.
* [[Echium amoenum]]: In traditional Iranian medicine, decoctions of the petals are consumed for the duration that the anxiety or stress symptoms are experienced, suggesting that this herbal medicine may be suitable for more chronicforms of anxiety.
* [[Ginseng]] is also known as a “brain food” as it improves concentration, thinking, and memory. It is also a supplement for added physical stamina. All these benefits contribute to its anti-anxiety properties as it revitalizes your body. Ginseng has many benefits and these include stimulant properties to reduce stress and enhance health. It can be used as a relaxant as it has tonic properties and can also help maintain emotional balance. Drink ginseng as a tea or take it in supplement form.
* [[St. John's wort]]
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