
Echium amoenum

78 bytes added, 10:23, 11 November 2018
/* Health Benefits and uses of Echium amoenum */
==Health Benefits and uses of Echium amoenum==
Echium amoemum has a long history in traditional Iranian plant medicine.
A range of constituents have been identified in the petals, which include saponins, flavonoids, unsaturated terpenoids, sterols, alkaloids (including pyrrolizidine alkaloids), and volatile oils. The flowers and leaves of this plant have traditionally been used medicinally as anti-febrile and , demulcent, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, especially for common cold, anxiolytic, sedative, anti-depressive treatments, for the treatment of stress and anxiety and as a laxative .
* The flowers and leaves have been used traditionally to treat heart disease, the common cold, and other pulmonary conditions.
* the petals are used for their effects on the nervous system, as they have analgesic, anxiolytic and sedative actions.
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