
Thyroid Cancer

345 bytes added, 17:18, 16 December 2018
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
* [[Chamomile]] : A small Greek study study compared the dietary habits of 113 Greek patients with thyroid cancer to those of 138 people without thyroid cancer. People who drank chamomile tea more frequently were less likely to have thyroid cancer.
* [[Dong Ling Cao]] (Rabdosia) in tablet form is used for malignant tumors, specifically esophageal, breast, liver, stomach, lung, and thyroid cancers.
== Warnings ==
It should be noted that self-treating Cancer (or any other chronic condition) and avoiding or delaying standard care may be resulting in worsening condition or even incurabilty of the disease.
== References ==
Bureaucrat, administrator